Best Dental Scaling Service in Kolkata 2023-24: Cleaning Treatment at Dr Tandon’s Dental Clinic

In the vibrant city of Kolkata, where tradition and modernity harmoniously coexist, finding the best dental scaling service is paramount for maintaining exceptional oral health. Your smile, after all, is your signature accessory, and it deserves nothing but the finest care. In the midst of this cultural tapestry, emerges a beacon of excellence – the best dental scaling service in Kolkata. Offering a blend of expertise, cutting-edge technology, and patient-centered care, this dental haven is where your oral health journeys from ordinary to extraordinary. Allow us to take you on a guided tour of what makes this service truly exceptional.

What is Dental Scaling ?

Dental scaling is a dental procedure that is also known as dental cleaning or teeth scaling. It is a non-surgical method used by dentists and dental hygienists to remove plaque and tartar (hardened plaque) from the surfaces of teeth. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria and food particles that constantly forms on your teeth. If it is not removed through regular brushing and flossing, it can harden into tartar, which can lead to various oral health problems.

Dental Scaling Procedure:

The dental scaling procedure is a common and important part of maintaining oral hygiene. It involves the removal of plaque and tartar (calculus) from the teeth to prevent oral health issues like cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Here’s an overview of the dental scaling procedure:

  1. Assessment: The dentist or dental hygienist will assess the condition of your teeth and gums to determine the extent of plaque and tartar buildup.
  2. Ultrasonic Scaling: This involves using an ultrasonic instrument that emits vibrations and a high-frequency water flow to remove larger pieces of tartar and plaque from the teeth. It’s a more efficient and less uncomfortable method compared to manual scaling.
  3. Manual Scaling: After the initial removal of larger deposits, the dentist or hygienist will use handheld instruments, like scalers and curettes, to carefully remove any remaining plaque and tartar, especially from below the gumline.
  4. Root Planing: In some cases, root planing may be done to smooth the tooth roots to help prevent further plaque buildup and aid in the healing of gum tissue.
  5. Polishing: After scaling, the teeth are polished to remove stains and smooth the tooth surfaces.

Dental scaling is important for maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing various dental issues, including cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. It is usually recommended as part of routine dental check-ups and cleanings, typically every six months. However, the frequency of scaling may vary based on an individual’s oral health needs. It’s important to consult with a dentist or dental hygienist for personalized recommendations.

Best Dental Scaling Service in Kolkata

At Dr. Tandon’s Dental Clinic, we are committed to providing top-tier dental scaling services to our patients in Kolkata. As a dentist, I take great pride in offering comprehensive, professional, and patient-centered care to ensure your oral health is in the best possible condition.

Our Approach to Dental Scaling:

  • Expertise: Our team of experienced and skilled dental professionals is dedicated to delivering the highest quality of care. We use the latest dental technologies and techniques to ensure that your dental scaling procedure is effective and comfortable.
  • Patient Comfort: Your comfort is our priority. We understand that dental treatments can be intimidating for some patients, which is why we strive to create a welcoming and soothing environment. Our compassionate and gentle approach ensures a stress-free experience.
  • Personalized Treatment: We recognize that each patient’s oral health needs are unique. Our personalized approach means that your dental scaling procedure will be tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need routine cleaning or more specialized scaling and root planing, we’ve got you covered.
  • Comprehensive Care: Dental scaling is just one aspect of our comprehensive dental services. We offer a wide range of treatments, from preventive care to restorative and cosmetic dentistry, all under one roof. This enables us to address your dental health holistically.
  • Education: We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge about their oral health. We take the time to educate you about the importance of dental scaling and the best practices for maintaining a healthy smile.
  • State-of-the-Art Facility: Our clinic is equipped with cutting-edge technology and modern amenities, ensuring a safe and efficient dental experience.

When you choose Dr. Tandon’s Dental Clinic for your dental scaling needs, you are choosing a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. Your oral health is our priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the exceptional dental scaling services we offer at Dr. Tandon’s Dental Clinic. Your journey to a healthier smile begins here.

Address:-  G-01 Koyla Vihar Abhinandan Block Ganga Vip Road Kolkata -700052 (Near Axis Bank & Mahindra Showroom)

Phone +91 9830125796 / 8335994788
Mon – Sat: 9.30 am – 1.30 pm and 5 pm to 9 pm

Emergency Dental Scaling in Kolkata

Emergency dental scaling is a procedure that may be necessary when an individual faces urgent oral health issues related to plaque and tartar buildup or gum disease. This situation might occur when a patient experiences severe pain, inflammation, or infection due to neglected oral hygiene or pre-existing dental conditions. Here’s what you need to know about emergency dental scaling:

Indications for Emergency Dental Scaling:

  1. Severe Pain: If you’re experiencing severe tooth or gum pain, it could be due to advanced gum disease, an abscess, or other oral health issues related to plaque and tartar buildup.
  2. Inflammation: Swollen, red, or bleeding gums can be a sign of gum disease (periodontitis), and emergency scaling may be required to address the issue.
  3. Infection: In cases of dental abscesses or infections, immediate scaling may be necessary to remove the source of infection and prevent it from spreading.

What to Expect:

  • Emergency dental scaling is typically performed by a dentist or dental hygienist who will use specialized instruments to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth and gums.
  • Depending on the severity of the issue, the procedure may be more extensive, and the dentist may use local anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort.
  • The goal of emergency scaling is to alleviate pain, remove the source of infection or inflammation, and provide relief from the dental emergency.

Follow-up Care:

  • After emergency scaling, follow-up care is essential to address the underlying causes of the emergency and to establish a routine for long-term oral health.
  • Patients may be advised to schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings to maintain good oral hygiene.

When you choose Dr. Tandon’s Dental Clinic for your emergency dental scaling needs, you are choosing a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile, even in urgent situations. Your oral health is our priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Dental Scaling Cost in Kolkata

The cost of Dental Scaling procedure in Dr Tandon’s Dental Clinic in Kolkata, is ₹600 – 2,000 onward depending upon the stain.

Dental scaling vs. teeth cleaning

Dental scaling and teeth cleaning are related dental procedures, but they have different purposes and levels of intensity. Here’s a comparison of dental scaling vs. teeth cleaning:

Teeth Cleaning:

  1. Purpose: Teeth cleaning, also known as prophylaxis or a dental hygiene appointment, is a routine preventive procedure. It’s primarily aimed at removing plaque and surface stains from the teeth to maintain oral health and aesthetics.
  2. Procedure: During a teeth cleaning, a dental hygienist uses specialized tools and equipment to clean the tooth surfaces. This typically involves scaling the teeth to remove plaque and tartar, followed by polishing to remove surface stains.
  3. Frequency: Teeth cleaning is usually recommended every six months as part of regular dental check-ups. It is a routine maintenance procedure to keep teeth and gums healthy.
  4. Sensitivity: Teeth cleaning is generally a painless procedure, although some individuals with sensitive teeth or gums might experience mild discomfort.

Dental Scaling:

  1. Purpose: Dental scaling is a more extensive procedure aimed at removing stubborn and deeply rooted plaque and tartar, especially in areas below the gumline. It is often used to treat gum disease or as a therapeutic measure for individuals with advanced plaque buildup.
  2. Procedure: Scaling involves the removal of both supragingival (above the gumline) and subgingival (below the gumline) plaque and tartar. It is a more intensive process that may require local anesthesia in certain cases.
  3. Frequency: Dental scaling is typically recommended as needed based on an individual’s oral health. For those with gum disease or extensive tartar buildup, it may be performed more frequently. It is a therapeutic procedure, unlike teeth cleaning, which is primarily preventive.
  4. Sensitivity: Dental scaling can be more uncomfortable, especially if deeper cleaning is required. Local anesthesia or numbing agents are sometimes used to make the procedure more comfortable.

Teeth cleaning is a routine, preventive procedure aimed at maintaining oral health and aesthetics by removing surface plaque and stains. Dental scaling, on the other hand, is a more intensive and therapeutic procedure primarily used for the treatment of gum disease and the removal of deeply rooted tartar. The choice between these procedures depends on your specific oral health needs, and your dentist or dental hygienist will recommend the appropriate treatment plan for you.

Dental Scaling for Gum Disease:

    • Purpose: Dental scaling is a crucial part of the treatment for gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. It helps remove plaque and tartar both above and below the gumline, which are the main causes of gum inflammation and infection.
    • Procedure: Scaling for gum disease involves a more extensive cleaning, including subgingival (below the gumline) scaling, to eliminate bacteria and irritants that contribute to the disease. It may be accompanied by root planing to smooth the tooth roots.
    • Frequency: The frequency of scaling for gum disease varies depending on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to treatment. It may be recommended more frequently during active treatment phases and less frequently for maintenance.

Dental Scaling for Sensitive Teeth:

      • Purpose: Dental scaling for sensitive teeth is done with a focus on minimizing discomfort. It aims to remove plaque and tartar buildup while taking precautions to reduce tooth sensitivity.
      • Procedure: The scaling procedure for sensitive teeth may involve the use of desensitizing agents and local anesthesia to numb the teeth and gums. The dental provider may also use gentler techniques and instruments.
      • Frequency: The frequency of scaling for sensitive teeth depends on the individual’s needs, but it’s typically performed as part of routine dental care to manage tooth sensitivity.

Dental Scaling for Tartar Removal:

        • Purpose: Tartar, or calculus, is hardened plaque that can’t be removed through regular brushing and flossing. Scaling for tartar removal is performed to eliminate these hardened deposits, preventing further dental issues.
        • Procedure: The scaling process focuses on removing both supragingival and subgingival tartar deposits using specialized dental instruments.
        • Frequency: Tartar removal through scaling is typically part of a routine dental cleaning and is recommended every six months to prevent tartar buildup.

Dental Scaling for Plaque Removal:

          • Purpose: Dental scaling for plaque removal aims to eliminate soft plaque buildup on the tooth surfaces. This helps prevent cavities and gum inflammation.
          • Procedure: Scaling for plaque removal involves the removal of plaque from the teeth, particularly in areas that are difficult to clean through regular oral hygiene practices.
          • Frequency: Similar to tartar removal, plaque removal through scaling is generally part of a routine dental cleaning and is recommended every six months.

Dental scaling for oral health

Dental scaling plays a crucial role in maintaining and improving oral health. Here’s how dental scaling contributes to oral health:

  1. Plaque and Tartar Removal: Dental scaling is effective at removing plaque and tartar (calculus) from the surfaces of your teeth. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria and food particles that constantly forms on your teeth. If not removed, it can harden into tartar, which can lead to oral health problems.
  2. Preventing Cavities: The removal of plaque and tartar through scaling helps prevent the formation of cavities. Plaque and tartar buildup can harbor harmful bacteria that produce acids, which can erode tooth enamel and lead to cavities.
  3. Gum Disease Prevention: Dental scaling is essential for preventing gum disease (periodontal disease). Plaque and tartar buildup can lead to gum inflammation and infection. If left untreated, this can progress to more severe stages of gum disease, which can cause gum recession, tooth mobility, and tooth loss.
  4. Fresh Breath: Dental scaling helps eliminate the source of bad breath by removing the plaque and bacteria responsible for foul odors.
  5. Gum Health: Scaling and root planing can contribute to healthier gums. It can reduce the depth of periodontal pockets (spaces between the teeth and gums), which is crucial for managing and preventing gum disease.
  6. Prevention of Tooth Loss: By preventing gum disease and other oral health issues, dental scaling can ultimately help preserve your natural teeth and reduce the risk of tooth loss.
  7. Aesthetics: Scaling and polishing can remove surface stains on your teeth, leading to a brighter and whiter smile. It can also improve the overall appearance of your teeth, which is a part of overall oral health and aesthetics.
  8. Overall Well-Being: Good oral health is linked to overall health and well-being. Dental scaling contributes to better oral health, which can, in turn, positively affect your general health.

Preventive dental scaling tips

Preventive dental scaling is essential for maintaining good oral health and preventing common dental issues like plaque buildup, gum disease, and cavities. Here are some tips to help you prevent the need for extensive dental scaling:

  1. Maintain a Consistent Oral Hygiene Routine:
    • Brush your teeth at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste. Be thorough and gentle to remove plaque and food particles effectively.
    • Floss daily to clean between your teeth and along the gumline, where your toothbrush may not reach.
  2. Use an Appropriate Toothbrush and Technique:
    • Use a soft-bristle toothbrush to avoid damaging your teeth and gums.
    • Brush gently with circular or back-and-forth motions, focusing on all tooth surfaces.
  3. Rinse with Mouthwash:
    • Use an antimicrobial or fluoride mouthwash as recommended by your dentist to help reduce bacteria and strengthen your teeth.
  4. Consume a Balanced Diet:
    • Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to support your oral health.
    • Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks, as they can contribute to plaque and tooth decay.
  5. Stay Hydrated:
    • Drink plenty of water to maintain a moist oral environment and help flush away bacteria and food particles.
  6. Avoid Smoking and Tobacco Products:
    • If you smoke or use tobacco, consider reducing or quitting to promote better oral health.
  7. Regular Dental Check-ups:
    • Schedule routine dental check-ups every six months or as recommended by your dentist. These appointments often include dental scaling and are essential for preventive care.
  8. Professional Cleanings:
    • Visit your dentist or dental hygienist for professional cleanings. These appointments involve scaling to remove plaque and tartar and can help prevent the buildup of these deposits.
  9. Watch for Warning Signs:
    • Pay attention to any signs of gum disease, such as bleeding, swelling, or redness of the gums.
    • Report any oral discomfort, tooth sensitivity, or changes in your oral health to your dentist.
  10. Fluoride Treatments:
    • Ask your dentist about fluoride treatments, which can help strengthen your tooth enamel and prevent cavities.
  11. Dental Sealants:
    • Consider dental sealants for your molars to protect them from decay. Sealants are a thin, protective coating applied to the chewing surfaces of teeth.
  12. Orthodontic Care:
    • If you have misaligned teeth, consider orthodontic treatment to make it easier to clean your teeth effectively and prevent plaque buildup.
  13. Educate Yourself:
    • Stay informed about proper oral hygiene practices and preventive measures by seeking guidance from your dentist or dental hygienist.

By following these preventive dental scaling tips and maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine, you can help reduce the need for extensive dental scaling and promote good oral health for the long term. Regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings are critical components of preventive care.

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Laser-Assisted Scaling And Root Planing

Laser-Assisted Scaling and Root Planing (LASRP) is an advanced dental procedure that utilizes laser technology to remove plaque, tartar, and infected tissue from the roots of teeth. It is an alternative to traditional scaling and root planing procedures, which use manual or ultrasonic instruments. LASRP offers several advantages, including reduced discomfort, faster healing, and potentially improved treatment outcomes. Here are some key aspects of Laser-Assisted Scaling and Root Planing:


  1. Diagnosis: Before LASRP, your dentist or periodontist will evaluate your oral health to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. LASRP is often used to treat gum disease (periodontitis).
  2. Local Anesthesia: While LASRP is typically less uncomfortable than traditional methods, local anesthesia is often used to ensure your comfort during the procedure.
  3. Laser Application: A dental laser is used to target and remove plaque, tartar, and infected tissue from the roots of the teeth and the periodontal pockets (the spaces between the teeth and gums). The laser energy effectively kills bacteria and removes debris.
  4. Tartar and Bacterial Elimination: The laser energy not only removes the hard and soft deposits but also sterilizes the area, reducing the risk of infection.
  5. Root Smoothing: Like traditional root planing, LASRP includes smoothing the tooth roots to help prevent further plaque and tartar buildup and to promote the healing of gum tissue.

Advantages of LASRP:

  • Minimized Discomfort: LASRP is often less painful than traditional scaling and root planing. Many patients report reduced discomfort during and after the procedure.
  • Faster Healing: The use of laser technology may promote quicker healing and reduce the risk of complications.
  • Preservation of Healthy Tissue: LASRP is more precise and may help preserve healthy gum tissue while targeting only the infected areas.
  • Reduced Bleeding: Laser technology cauterizes blood vessels as it works, leading to reduced bleeding during and after the procedure.
  • Bacterial Elimination: The laser’s heat effectively kills bacteria, contributing to a cleaner and more sterile treatment environment.


  • The availability of LASRP may vary depending on your location and the dental or periodontal practice you visit.
  • LASRP is often used in cases of moderate to severe gum disease (periodontitis), and the suitability of the procedure will be determined by your dentist or periodontist.

While Laser-Assisted Scaling and Root Planing offers numerous benefits, it is important to discuss your specific condition and treatment options with your dental professional to determine the most appropriate approach for your oral health needs.

What is UltraSonic Scaling?

Ultrasonic Scaling is a dental procedure used for the thorough removal of plaque, tartar, and calculus from the surfaces of teeth. It employs a specialized dental instrument called an ultrasonic scaler or ultrasonic scaler tip. This tool uses high-frequency vibrations and water or a water-and-air mixture to break up and remove hardened deposits from the teeth. Here’s how ultrasonic scaling works and some key points about it:

How Ultrasonic Scaling Works:

  1. Vibrations: The ultrasonic scaler tip produces rapid vibrations, typically in the range of 20,000 to 50,000 cycles per second (Hz), which are ultrasonic frequencies that are not audible to the human ear.
  2. Water Flow: Water is delivered through the scaler tip in a fine, controlled stream, which serves multiple purposes. It cools the instrument, helps wash away debris, and minimizes heat generated by the vibrating tip.
  3. Calculus and Plaque Removal: The vibrating tip is brought into contact with the tooth’s surface or the deposit (tartar or calculus). The rapid vibrations help to break up the hardened deposits, making them easier to remove.
  4. Aerosol Production: As the deposits are removed, there is a production of aerosolized water and debris, which is typically suctioned away to keep the treatment area clean.

Key Points About Ultrasonic Scaling:

  1. Efficiency: Ultrasonic scaling is generally more efficient at removing hardened deposits compared to manual scaling with hand instruments. It is particularly effective in breaking down larger pieces of tartar.
  2. Comfort: Many patients find ultrasonic scaling to be more comfortable and less invasive than traditional manual scaling, as it tends to generate less pressure on the teeth and gums.
  3. Less Noise: Ultrasonic scalers produce less noise compared to some traditional hand instruments, which can be less anxiety-inducing for some patients.
  4. Versatility: Ultrasonic scalers come with various tip attachments that can be used for specific purposes, such as supragingival scaling (above the gumline) or subgingival scaling (below the gumline).
  5. Reduced Time: The efficiency of ultrasonic scaling can lead to shorter treatment times, making it a preferred option for many dental professionals.
  6. Water Irrigation: The continuous flow of water during ultrasonic scaling helps irrigate the treatment area, reducing the heat generated by the instrument and minimizing any potential damage to the tooth structure.

It’s important to note that while ultrasonic scaling is effective for removing deposits, it may not be suitable for all dental patients. Your dentist or dental hygienist will assess your oral health and determine the best approach for your specific needs, which may include a combination of ultrasonic scaling and traditional manual scaling to achieve the best results.


  1. Which dentist does scaling?: Dental scaling is a common procedure performed by general dentists and dental hygienists. These professionals are trained to provide routine dental cleanings, which include scaling, as well as more advanced scaling procedures for gum disease.
  2. Can scaling remove tooth decay?: Dental scaling is primarily used to remove plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth and below the gumline. It is not a treatment for tooth decay. Tooth decay requires restorative treatments such as fillings, crowns, or root canals.
  3. Is scaling of teeth painful?: Dental scaling is typically not painful. However, if you have sensitive teeth or gums, you may experience some discomfort during the procedure. Your dental provider can use local anesthesia or numbing agents to minimize any discomfort.
  4. Is home teeth scaling safe?: Home teeth scaling is generally not recommended. Scaling should be performed by a trained dental professional in a controlled environment to ensure thorough and safe removal of plaque and tartar without causing harm to your teeth and gums.
  5. Which type of scaling is better?: The choice between different types of scaling depends on your specific oral health needs. Both ultrasonic scaling and manual scaling have their advantages, and the choice may be determined by factors like the severity of plaque and tartar buildup, patient comfort, and the dentist’s preference.
  6. Which scaling method is best?: The best scaling method depends on individual factors and oral health needs. Dentists use a combination of methods as appropriate to provide the best care for their patients. Discuss with your dentist to determine the most suitable method for your situation.
  7. What is the alternative to scaling teeth?: If scaling is not appropriate for your situation, your dentist may recommend alternative treatments or procedures, such as deep cleaning (scaling and root planing), periodontal surgery, or other interventions to address specific dental conditions.
  8. What are the disadvantages of scaling teeth?: While scaling is a generally safe and effective procedure, there can be disadvantages for some individuals, such as temporary tooth or gum sensitivity, the possibility of discomfort during the procedure, or the need for regular maintenance scaling for individuals with gum disease.
  9. Can scaling remove yellow stains?: Scaling is not primarily designed to remove extrinsic stains on teeth. It mainly focuses on removing plaque and tartar. Teeth whitening or other cosmetic procedures are typically used to address yellow stains.
  10. Can scaling remove black stains?: Scaling may be effective in removing some dark or black stains caused by tartar or extrinsic factors. However, deep intrinsic stains may require other treatments like teeth whitening or veneers.
  11. Is scaling necessary for teeth?: While dental scaling is primarily a preventive procedure recommended as part of regular dental check-ups (typically every six months), its necessity may vary based on an individual’s specific oral health needs. Some people may require more frequent scaling, while others may need it less often. Your dentist will assess your oral health and recommend the appropriate frequency of dental scaling based on your unique situation.
  12. Which is better scaling or whitening? :Scaling vs. Whitening:
    • Scaling is a procedure used to remove plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth and is primarily focused on maintaining oral health and preventing gum disease. It does not directly address tooth discoloration.
    • Whitening (teeth whitening or dental bleaching) is a cosmetic procedure aimed at improving the color of the teeth by removing or reducing surface stains and discoloration. It doesn’t address plaque and tartar buildup.
    • The choice between scaling and whitening depends on your specific needs. If you’re concerned about tooth discoloration, whitening may be more appropriate. However, if you have plaque and tartar buildup or gum disease, scaling is essential for oral health. It’s also worth noting that a thorough dental cleaning, which includes scaling, is often a recommended first step before pursuing teeth whitening for the best results.
  13. How can I remove scaling at home?  :Scaling should not be attempted at home by non-professionals. It requires specialized dental instruments and expertise to safely and effectively remove plaque and tartar without damaging your teeth and gums. Attempting to scale your teeth at home can lead to injury and dental problems. Leave scaling to trained dental professionals.


In a city that thrives on its rich history and vibrant energy, finding the best dental scaling service is a necessity, not a luxury. The pinnacle of oral health, this service in Kolkata embodies precision, expertise, and a genuine commitment to patient well-being. It’s where every smile is cherished, and oral health is paramount. And within this distinguished landscape of dental care, shines a beacon of excellence – Dr. Tandon’s Dental Clinic. With state-of-the-art facilities, a team of dedicated professionals, and a legacy of unwavering patient-centric care, Dr. Tandon’s Dental Clinic sets the standard for excellence in dental scaling. It’s not just about maintaining healthy teeth; it’s about nurturing your most important asset – your radiant smile.

So, as you navigate the bustling streets of Kolkata, remember that the best dental scaling service, epitomized by Dr. Tandon’s Dental Clinic, is not just a destination; it’s a testament to your commitment to a lifetime of vibrant, confident smiles. Your oral health journey finds its true home here.

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